Mafia III
Mafia III is an action-adventure game that follows the story of Lincoln Clay, a veteran who is seeking revenge for his killed relatives in the city of New Bordeaux. He creates a criminal syndicate to defeat the Italian mob responsible for the death of Clay’s family. While the game is the third part of the Mafia series, it represents a completely new story and characters, not connected to the previous titles.
The core gameplay of Mafia III is gunplay with a cover system. The game provides a wide variety of weaponry to choose from; you can also call allies to help you. However, if you’re not fond of shooter mechanics, you’re allowed to use melee combat or stealth tactics to complete missions. Another feature is interrogating NPCs to get more information.
The game is set in an open world where you can move on foot or use vehicles. A great part of the game includes driving with realistic mechanics and sounds. There’s also a system of the governmental response to the crimes you commit that affects the playthrough.